Member-only story
Healing Series: Vulnerability
Day Five
Healing Series: Vulnerability
“the most vulnerable time for new truth in our lives is immediately after its discovery.” Callings by Gregg Levoy
In his book, Callings, Gregg Levoy tells the story of Ann Linnea who wanted to kayak around Lake Superior, leaving her children, a third grader and sixth grader, with their father for two months in the summer. Her parents were aghast, and her husband didn’t understand why she had to be gone for so long. She had a friend who had the same desire. They kayaked together for part of the summer and spent some of the time kayaking alone. In total, she kayaked 1200 miles in 65 days.
A couple of things really struck me when I read the story:
The calling: A deep desire to kayak around Lake Superior. This was not an easy task. She would become the first woman to do it, but at the time of the calling she didn’t know if it was possible. Opening to the inspiration of this calling had hurdles that included admitting it to herself then sharing this with others. The calling challenged her to explore more than the land. It was a calling to explore her soul.
She followed the calling even though her family and friends thought she was crazy. She did not receive approval from her community and bumped up against what is expected from…